Friday 17 April 2020

Does Delaying One’s Ghusl of Janābah Until After the Adhān of Fajr Affect the Validity of the Fast?

A selection of fatawa from Naseem al-Sham


If a reason to perform ghusl occurs during the night, is it true that I have to go to the bathroom and purify myself before the adhān for fajr in order to complete my fast or is it permissible for me to bathe at any time?

Answer (Imam Muḥammad Tawfīq Ramaḍān):

Janābah[1] before fajr, even it is the result of sexual intercourse, does not hinder the validity of the fast. Rather, causing janābah while fasting by way of intercourse or anything else does nullify the fast. The person who is junub[2] must perform ghusl before the time for the fajr prayer has elapsed.[3]

A man has intercourse with his wife and does not perform ghusl until after Fajr has come in.

Answer (Imam Muḥammad Shuqayr):

There is no harm in that. Rather, he has only left that which is preferable.[4]

Is it true that janābah invalidates the fast?

Answer (Imam Muḥammad Tawfīq Ramaḍān):

If someone becomes junub, for whatever reason, before dawn has entered, the validity of his fast is not affected. Rather, it is disliked for him to delay his ghusl until after fajr has entered, as it is better to start one’s fast while being pure.

However, if he becomes junub after dawn has entered and the cause is from him, i.e. he masturbated, for example, or he was playing around with his wife and that led to ejaculation, his fast is nullified. If he has intercourse, the fast is broken and he is obligated to expiate his sin by fasting two months consecutively.

As for someone who becomes junub because of something else, such as someone who has a wet dream, the validity of his fast is not affected. He performs ghusl and keeps fasting.

[1] (tn): i.e. a state of major ritual impurity, which requires that one wash one’s entire body, i.e. ghusl
[2] (tn): i.e. in a state of janābah
[3] (tn): i.e. in order to pray fajr
[4] (tn): “On the night of the fast, it is lawful for you to have sexual relations with your wives.” [al-Baqarah 2:187] ‘This statement is evidence that the fast of the person who wakes up while being junub is valid, even though it is not the main purport of the statement itself, because being junub while fasting is an inevitable consequence of having intercourse until the last moment of the night. In other words, it is permissible for a person to have intercourse with his wife until the last moment of the night, which leaves insufficient time to perform ghusl. The person will therefore complete some of his fast before performing ghusl. If his fast were not valid, Allah would have commanded him to refrain from intercourse some time before fajr such that there would be enough time to perform ghusl. Since Allah has not commanded such, this is evidence that it is permissible to wake up while being junub and that one’s vast is valid in the Revealed Law. [Al-Wajīz fī Uṣūl at-Tashrīʿ al-Islāmī by Imam Muḥammad Ḥasan al-Hītū (Beirut: Muʾassasah ar-Risālah, 1436/2015), p.122-123.]

More Fatawa on Ramadan and Fasting

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