Wednesday 26 July 2017

Book Release: The Etiquettes of the Scholar and the Learner

The translation of Imam an-Nawawi's introduction to al-Majmu'

All praise be to Allah, the book is now available. Please click here for further details.

And with Allah is every success.

Related Posts:
Authority in Islam
Chapter 5: The Etiquettes of the Mufti


  1. A long awaited work subhanallah. May Allah Almighty accept all your efforts and hard work aameen

  2. How do we buy a copy if we are in the UK sidi?

  3. @Bilal

    Allah knows best. I'm not quite sure what the publisher is doing. I asked them last week, via their website, how the book would be available for UK readers and I am yet to receive a reply.

    Feel free to contact them yourself. The link is above. I'm already thinking about a second edition, primarily for this reason (i.e. distribution and availability) and the fact that certain things shouldn't be there, like the foreword.

    And with Allah is every success.
