Saturday 10 June 2017

Delaying the Menstrual Cycle

A translation of this fatwa from Naseem al-Sham


Is it permissible to delay one’s menstrual cycle in the month of Ramaḍān by way of taking birth control pills because one’s cycle lasts quite long, approximately ten days?

Answer: (Imam Muḥammad Tawfīq Ramaḍān)

The period of time in which one is excused is a period of leave which Allah has granted women, and I don’t think that a woman should overstep this period of leave.[1] This is in addition to the disruption that may harm a woman as a consequence of taking these pills, which may outweigh whatever benefit she hopes to obtain. This does not mean it’s unlawful. Rather, the authority in the matter is an upright doctor; if he finds that there is no harm therein then there is nothing wrong with it, along with what I have indicated you should be wary of.[2] On the other hand, if the doctor warns against it because of some harm that he fears then it is not permissible.

[1] (tn): In other words, women are granted a break from fasting and praying each month. This is a gift from Allah and thus it’s better not to disrupt it. As for comparing Ramaḍān to Ḥajj and ʿUmrah, one should bear in mind that Ḥajj can only be performed once a year and within a very limited period of time, and the major pillar therein in which one needs to be pure is the ṭawāf, which will be done at least twice. As for ʿUmrah, which can be performed at any time of the year, this is dependent on other factors, such as one’s planned length of stay in Makkah, one’s finances and so forth. In Ramaḍān, on the other hand, the expectation and norm is that women will miss some days due to their cycle but then they can make them up at any time throughout the rest of the year.

[2] (tn): In other words, it’s better not to disturb the cycle and if the doctor does not expect any harm, it does not conclusively mean that there will not be any. And Allah knows best. 

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