Thursday 2 July 2015

A Word Of Clarification Regarding Appendix D

Alhamdulilah, today I finally received my own complementary copies of Kitab al-Waqf. Ma sha Allah, I was very impressed with the layout and the overal professionalism of the final product. May Allah reward these believers for their efforts. However, there is something that needs to be clarified for present and future readers.

My intention was not simply to produce a compendium of the rules of waqf in the English language but to also root those rules in the authorities who govern this Ummah, from Imam an-Nawawi and al-Khateeb ash-Shirbini, may Allah be pleased with them, down through to the maraaji of this age, such as Imams Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti and his son Muhammad Tawfeeq Ramadan, Mustapha al-Bugha, Wahbah az-Zuhayli and his brother Muhammad, Rushdi Saleem al-Qalam, Abdur Rahman ash-Shami and Muhammad ash-Shatiri.

Upon examination of the published version of Appendix D, I have found that it does not correspond to the intention stated above.  My intention in translating this work was solely to present the subject matter and the words of those in authority, i.e. those who have the most right to speak on it. Unfortunately, Appendix D represents a considerable divergence from this objective.

While I do not doubt the good intentions of the author, my concerns and objections were clearly expressed prior to insertion of said appendix. I neither support nor endorse any of the Anglosphere organisations mentioned in this appendix; the main two reasons being a) they, whether individually or as a group, are not authorities and b)  they have not made any material contribution to the subject at hand. Thus, their inclusion in the appendices is not even relevant, let alone beneficial.

I therefore absolve myself of all responsibility in this regard.

And with Allah is every success.

Yours truly,

Mahdi Lock
Thursday, 15 Ramadan, 1436

1 comment:

  1. As-salamu 'alaikum,
    Masha'Allah, your post is bold yet beautiful. It reflects a sense of upholding principles and making it a point to absolve oneself from violations of it for the sake of the public being misled. We don't see such behavior anymore...I only recall reading it in books. Amazing how when we read about such behavior in books we think to ourselves "masha'Allah, such taqwa!", but when we see it practiced before us we cry "disunity! Hater! Self-pride!". Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon.
