Thursday 1 November 2012

A Daily Wird


My beloved doctor and teacher, Sheikh Muḥammad Saʿīd, may Allah keep him firm upon the truth, can you please give me – briefly – a daily wird of adhkār that I can observe in order to rectify myself and another wird that the family can gather together for? How nice it would be if it were the same awrād as your father, may Allah have mercy on him.

Answer (Sheikh Muammad Saʿīd Ramaḍān Al-Būṭī):[1]

The awrād that my father stuck with and advised others to do were the following: seeking Allah’s forgiveness (astaghfirullah) one hundred times before Fajr, the shahāda of la ilāha illa Allah one hundred times after Fajr, glorification (tasbīḥ) by saying subḥān Allah wa biamdihi Subḥān Allah al-ʿAẓīm one hundred times,[2] sending prayers upon the Messenger of Allah (Allahumma allī ʿalā Rasūlillah) one hundred times, and reciting the wird of Imam Al-Nawawī[3] every morning along with reciting whatever he could from the Qurʾān.[4]

[1] Translator’s note (tn): The original Arabic of this fatwā can he found on and a copy of this translation can be found on the English version of that website. The source for the image is here.

[2] (tn): i.e. after Fajr before sunrise and before sunset, due to the āya in Sūrat Ṭaha (20:130): “So be patient with what they say and glorify your Lord with praise before the rising of the sun and before its setting. And glorify Him during part of the night and at both ends of the day, so that hopefully you will be pleased.”

[3](tn): An authentic copy of this wird can be found here while the translation, transliteration and sanad can be found here It should be noted that one does not need an ījāza, or license, from a sheikh to read this wird. Sheikh Al-Būṭī was asked in this fatwā:

May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. Our distinguished sheikh, would you please be so kind as to grant myself and my family a license (ījāza) for the wird of Imam Al-Nawawī and explain when and how it should be read? May Allah reward you.

Answer (Sheikh Ramaḍān Al-Būṭī):

Indeed Imam Al-Nawawī did not obligate the reader of this wird of his to take an ījāza from him in order to have permission to do so, nor did he authorise me or anyone else to grant this ījāza that you are requesting of me. Despite that, here I am advising every brother of mine for the sake of Allah to persistently read this wird due to the innumerable blessings that it contains.

A copy of this translation can be found here.

[4] (tn) These would include Sūrat Yā Sīn in the morning and Al-Wāqiʿah and Al-Mulk in the evening. In addition to the abovementioned wird and adhkār, one should also read whatever one can from the Adhkār of Imam Al-Nawawī, as Sheikh Al-Būṭī has recommended in this fatwā, a translation of which, by Al-Hajj Abu Ja’far Al-Hanbali, can be found here as well as here. For further information on self-purification, please read Purifying the Soul.

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  1. Thank you for this wonderful information and translation of Shaykh Al-Buti's simple adhkhar. Did he have similar wird for the evening?

  2. Assalaam alaykum,

    Jazakum Allah khayran for the question.

    Alhamdulilah, while translating these adhkar and preparing this post, I discussed several points with the brothers at Naseem Al-Sham and received a great deal of advice. May Allah reward them.

    Regarding adhkar for the evening, which I did ask about, this is indicated in the second footnote along with the fact that one should recite Al-Waqi'a and Al-Mulk in the evening and whatever one finds in the Adhkar of Imam Al-Nawawi.

    Thus, maybe those sections of the Adhkar should be translated.

    And with Allah alone is every success.


