Wednesday 12 January 2011

Book Release: The Divine Lightning

By Imam Sulaiman Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab, translated by Al-Hajj Abu Ja’far Al-Hanbali (Spire Publishing, 2011)

Whether it be Al-Qaeda, Ahle Hadith, GIA or any other medley of titles, these groups stem from the same source: Muhammad ibn `Abdul Wahhab and his Ikhwan, or 'Brotherhood' movement. For the first time in English, the reader has a full historical and theological explanation of Salafi yyah. The author, Imam Sulaiman ibn `Abdul Wahhab, was the first to write about and ultimately fall victim to the movement. Anyone seeking answers - Muslim or not - needs to understand that this tribulation did not begin on a Tuesday in 2001, but in the mind of a false prophet more than 200 years ago.

Order your copy now from Amazon UK or Amazon US.

For Al-Hajj Abu Ja’far’s other books please visit For recordings of his classes and lectures please visit the Reasons for Faith Channel.

UPDATE: The book is also availble from/via Amazon Japan, Amazon Canada, Amazon Germany, and Amazon France. Amazon Austria will redirect you towards Amazon Germany. I hope that helps!


  1. Salaam! is this book still available in 2018 i really want to read it

  2. Wa alaykum Assalaam,

    The translator is currently working on a second edition.

    And with Allah alone is every success.

  3. pls let me know when its availabe jazakumullah khair!

  4. Alhamdullillah! pls notify mean when it is available and would it be possible to include the arabic text side by side with the english in the 2nd edition. Jazakumullah khair!

  5. Yes, the Arabic will be included. Insha'Allah it will be ready within the next three months.

    1. Salam alaikum, any updates on the release of the 2nd edition of this book?

  6. MashaAllah. Looking forward, because it's sold out everywhere.

  7. Alhamdulillah. So inshaAllah if all is well between September to October is the Intended release? And how much will it cost? I definetly want to buy this inshaAllah

  8. Wa alaykum Assalaam wa Rahmatullah,

    For updates from the translator, please visit his blog:
