Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Beliefs of the Ashʿarīs: In a Calm Dialogue with the Specious Arguments of their Opponents - Refuting Dr. Safar Al-Hawali: Part 1

Assalaam alaykum,

Alhamdulilah, the introduction to ʿAqāʾid Al-Ashāʿira fī Ḥiwār Hadiʾ maʿ Shubhāt Al-Munāwiʾīn (The Beliefs of the Ashʿarīs: In a Calm Dialogue with the Specious Arguments of their Opponents) is now available from

[Part 2 was posted in November]

There is also an additional article from Imām Ibn Fūrāk al-Shāfi’ī regarding what is meant when we say that Allah is 'above' or 'in' His creation.

And with Allah alone is every success!

Assalaam alaykum,


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