Tuesday 23 November 2010

Sheikh Wahba Az-Zuhayli on Bid'a

Assalaam alaykum,

A new article is now available on www.marifah.net. The Imam discusses the different kinds of bid'a and explains what rulings they carry. Please have a read.

Assalaam alaykum,


Update: Further to the second footnote in the article, I would like to add that the line كل ضلالة في النار is also not found in hadith #28 of any edition of Al-Arba'een An-Nawawiyyah, with the exception of maybe two. As for the notable translation into English by Sidi Abdassamad Clarke, known as The Complete Forty Hadith and published by Taha, which includes the abovementioned line, I have discussed the matter with my brother Abdassamad and he has stated the following on his blog. Please have a read.

UPDATE (18/03/2017): The marifah.net website is down. The translation is now available here.


  1. Assalamu alaikum, do you know where I can purchase works by Dr.Wahba Zuhayli that have been translated into english. Especially the work "al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adilataha", i saw on his wikipedia page that this work is being translated.If you have any info regarding this i will really appreciate

  2. Assalaam alaykum,

    Jazakum Allah khayran for the message.

    I don't know much about the availability of Sheikh Az-Zuhayli's works in English. You would have to keep checking his website [http://fikr.com/zuhayli/] for updates.

    As for Fiqh Al-Islami wa Adilatuhu, that is a massive work and would be great to have in English, but Allah knows best.

    With Allah's help and your duas I will, insha'Allah, translate more of his fatawa in the future.

    Assalaam alaykum,


  3. Inshallah, and May Allah reward for your efforts.I find your blog very beneficial and of recent a regular visitor.I will let know if i find out more info about this work inshallah.

    Jzk khayran

